Thursday, March 3, 2011

Television Thursday

Parks and Recreation
NBC (2009-present)

There are not that many shows that I have found that start off so poorly, but then evolve into something hilarious. I watched the first pilot episode, but could not stand the characters, so I did not watch any more of the first season. The first season was only six episodes, and it never really got off the ground. I guess enough people watched it so they were able to get a second season. I heard that a lot of people liked it as the second season progressed, but I still did not believe them. I continued to ignore the show until I noticed that the first two seasons were available on streaming video. I decided to give it another try.

The first season was still difficult to watch, but it was only six episodes. The only good things to come out of the first season were the character backgrounds and the theme song. I love the simple, catchy, and bubbly theme song. NBC had a contest in which people could submit songs they hoped would be selected as the theme song. The winner was a duo of song writers named Gaby Moreno and Vincent Jones. Their song kept me interested and really does a wonderful job of setting the tone of the show and characters.

After struggling through the first season, I was amazed at how much of a difference the second season brought. The first episode of the second season was MUCH better than anything the first could offer. Season two continued to improve all through the season, and season three has continued to impress me.

My favorite character would have to be Ron. He is in charge of the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indiana. He is not the main character, but every scene that features him is wonderful. His character is gruff but lovable, and he would lay down his life for any of his staff (even though he would never admit to that.) Nick Offerman seems to have a lot of fun portraying the character, and I hope he sticks with the show. So far, there has only been one character that was written out of the show, and he never really fit anyway.

I think my favorite episode so far would have to be "Hunting Trip." The men in the office have an annual tradition of going hunting, but this year the women want to join. Things happen, people get hurt, friendships are tested, you know, the usual. But somehow it all holds together and creates a very humorous package.

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