Sunday, February 27, 2011

Music Sunday

Eveline Fischer: Simian Segue"
DK Jamz: Donkey Kong Country Official Soundtrack
YouTube Video / Wikipedia Article

I know it is not Gaming Saturday, but I really want to add a few video game soundtracks to the mix. I find that I get quite a few soundtracks to movies, television shows, and video games. I guess I do that because modern composers tend to put their efforts into soundtracks as opposed to just writing stand-alone pieces.

Anyway, there are a lot of video game soundtracks that hold special places in my heart. Whenever I hear certain songs, I am instantly transported back to the time I was playing that game. The entire Donkey Kong Country soundtrack does that for me. I vividly remember getting it as a gift and playing it on the Super Nintendo. I even remember the time I convinced my parents to let me bring my game system up to Ohio when we went to spend the holidays with my grandparents. I would often escape to the old TV upstairs and play the game while listening to the songs for each level. As is always the case in games, I am most familiar with the songs from the early stages since those are the ones I replayed the most.

This soundtrack stands out in my mind as being especially catchy and well orchestrated when compared to the other Super NES soundtracks at the time. Each song sounds unique, while still staying true to the jungle theme. I consider myself lucky enough to have found this soundtrack at a used CD store several years ago. I think it makes great driving music, and I often listen to it while on long drives. Even though video game soundtracks have improved in terms of instrumentation, nostalgia will always allow me to appreciate the early music as well.  

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